Dating the company of your dreams

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Graduateland hæfter ikke for det faktiske eller mulige tab af data og oplysninger på webstedet uanset årsagen. Har brugeren fået medde-lelse om, at betalingstransaktionen er anerkendt, er udsteder endvidere an-svarlig for tab hos brugeren, som skyldes, at den pågældende betalingstrans-aktion ikke gennemføres eller gennemføres mangelfuldt.

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CompanyDATING - How do company representatives know if someone is fit for the job in their company? This is not the official registration page.

Photo: Drasko Vlahovic Imagine a room decorated with candles where you can have small talk while listening to nice background music. Looks like a description of the perfect scenario for a first date. But what if your date was actually with a business company? That is exactly what is about. The event, which took place on the 26 of February, provides an opportunity for matching students and companies in a relaxed environment. Hosted by the Aarhus University School of Business and Social Sciences BSS , Company Dating took place in two rooms in Fuglesangs Alle 4. On the upper floor, students received counselling from the AU Career Center since — like in any other date — people need to prepare beforehand, so they can make a good first impression. Several booths offered help in writing CVs, boosting LinkedIn profiles and learning how to present oneself in the best way. Furthermore, everyone had the opportunity to have their photo taken by a professional photographer. After the preparations, students finally met the company representatives in the lower room. There, they talked amongst each other at tables with candles, candies, and cookies. Another change for this year is the expansion of Company Dating to the Arts department, which will be held on the 19th March. Making useful contacts Companies and students try to find a perfect match. Photo: Drasko Vlahovic Attending Company Dating for the second time, MBA student from India, Ram Chaithanya believes it is important to take part in such events in order to get to know the Danish market. However, he says that sometimes it is not clear whether the companies would like to hire international students. Students should attend events such as Company Dating, so they can directly ask for information, Chaithanya suggests. Albert Robescu, a graduate student from Romania, also believes that having an opportunity to meet people from the companies can be better than applying online. Danish student Tina Hahn Nielsen is now doing a master programme in business communication. She says that there were not enough full time job offers. However, she stresses that attending this event could pay off. Photo: Drasko Vlahovic Such contacts, which entail meeting people directly, are the main advantage of this event, as Mette Johannesen from IBM points out. In fact, Johannesen first made contact with IBM on one of the Company Dating events. How do company representatives know if someone is fit for the job in their company? Johannesen thinks that the most important thing in this regard is passion. He points out that it is important to research about the company when looking for a job. Matching the students and fresh graduates with the companies is easier at the Company Dating event, explains Daniel Rico Vind from the AU Career Center. He says that every company needs to bring at least one job ad, and then they talk to the potential employees. Drasko Vlahovic is a journalist from Montenegro and contributor for Jutland Station.

Morten Albæk: Du skal krænge dig selv ud!
Brugerens e-mail-adresse bruges også til at sende e-mails til brugeren baseret på de ønskede oplysninger på brugerens Responsible. The ratio of participants is normally 70% master students, 25% undergraduate students, and 5% young alumni. Uklare og ændrede fotos og billeder vil blive slettet. Som et eksempel kan vi bruge cookies og IP-adresser til at se, hvilke dele af websiden der bruges oftest og dermed forbedre og optimere netop de tjenester og funktioner. Så kan du nemt få overblik over difference karrieremuligheder - både lokalt og internationalt. Johannesen thinks that the most important thing in this regard is passion. Det er muligt for brugerne at rapportere om negativt mediemateriale og tekst.